Dame of C-Litter
Greta v.Erthal is a talented dog from Germany. She has a very strong pointing instinct and has always naturally honored. She has been one of my top guiding dogs used for upland game since she was 9 months old. I use her 3 to 4 days a week, 7 months a year. She is explosive in the water and on the field, with a medium range search. Greta is very methodical while on track, proving very useful in recovering game. She has a very sweet disposition which makes her a great companion on and off the field.
Height/Length: 59/60
Form/Coat: 9/11
VJP: 72
HZP: 183
Sire of C-LITTER
Nic vom Bockenhagen is a striking dog with a perfect temperament. He is a very big searching dog with an unmatched prey drive. He is very skilled in the water with a great nose. His father is Brisko v.Erthal the #2 dog in performance as well as best looking male in the 2004 Hegewald. I am directly lining up Greta with that line. I have had this breeding in mind since I imported Greta from Germany. Her mom is Bene v.Erthal best looking female of 2004 Hegewald, Brisko's sister. I know Nic personally and have spend a lot of time hunting with him. If we could breed all our Drahts to be as talented and look as handsome as he, we would be so lucky. (He has passed his great looks on to all the litters he has sired.)